UNO Attack is a thrilling twist on the classic UNO card game. It introduces an electronic card launcher that changes the pace of the game with surprise card sprays. If you’re new to UNO Attack, this guide will help you understand its rules, setup, action cards, and gameplay mechanics simply and engagingly. Let’s explore!
What is UNO Attack?
UNO Attack is a modern variation of the UNO card game for 2 to 10 players. It features a card launcher that replaces the traditional draw pile. Instead of drawing cards, you press the launcher’s button when needed. The launcher may shoot out cards, or it may not. This randomness makes UNO Attack even more fun and suspenseful.
Setting Up UNO Attack
Setting up UNO Attack is simple and quick. Follow these steps to get started:
- Shuffle the deck: Mix all 112 cards thoroughly. This deck includes number cards and action cards.
- Deal the cards: Give each player 7 cards. Keep the cards face down so no one else can see them.
- Start the discard pile: Place one card from the deck face up in the center of the table to form the discard pile.
- Prepare the card launcher: Open the launcher’s door, place the remaining deck face down inside the launcher, and close the door securely. Ensure the launcher is in the center of the playing space where everyone can reach it.
- Determine the first dealer: Play then begins to the left of the dealer.
How to Play UNO Attack
Here’s a quick and simple guide to playing UNO Attack:
- Take Turns: The player to the left of the dealer starts and play continues clockwise. On your turn, play a card that matches the color or number of the card on top of the discard pile. If you cannot play a card, you need to either use a special card such as a wild card, or you must activate the card launcher.
- Activating the Card Launcher: When you can’t play a card, press the card launcher’s button. The launcher will shoot out a random number of cards. Sometimes, no cards are dispensed, and other times, the launcher could release several cards. You must take whatever cards are dispensed.
- Yell “UNO!”: When you have only one card left, you must shout “UNO!” If you fail to do so and another player catches you before your next card touches the discard pile, you must press the launcher’s button twice and take the cards that come out.
- Winning the Round: The first player to discard all their cards wins the round. If a player finishes with an action card, the next player must follow its effect.
- Reloading the Launcher: If the cards run out, shuffle the discard pile and reload the launcher. Some launchers have a special area to show when reloading is needed.
Learn more about the general UNO Card Rules in our guide for reference
Special Cards in UNO Attack
UNO Attack has several special action cards that make the game even more exciting. Here’s a rundown of the special cards and their rules:
- Skip Card: The card skips the turn of the next player.
- Reverse Card: It changes the direction of play. If the game is moving clockwise, it switches to counterclockwise, and vice versa.
- Wild Card: The Wild card lets the player choose any color they want. It can be played on any card, no matter the number or color.
- Hit 2 Card: When played, the next player must press the launcher button twice. They must take any cards that come out, and their turn ends immediately. If this card is the first card turned up at the start of the game, the player to the left of the dealer must press the launcher button twice. The game then begins with the second player to the dealer’s left.
- Discard All Card: It lets you discard all cards of a specific color in your hand at once. You can also play it on top of another Discard All card. If it’s the first card revealed, the player to the left of the dealer starts with a card of the same color or another Discard All card. If not, they must hit the launcher button.
- Wild Attack-Attack Card: When you play this card, you can choose the color and decide which player to attack. Turn the shooter towards that player and press the launcher button twice. The player you attack must take all the cards that come out. Then, the game continues with the next player.
Special Cards in Older Version of UNO Attack
- Trade Hands Card: This card lets you swap your entire hand with another player of your choice. However, you can’t use this card to win the round. If it’s turned up at the start of the game, it’s reshuffled back into the deck, and a new card is drawn.
- Wild All Hit Card: It lets you call a color. Then, every other player must press the launcher button once and take the cards that come out. If it’s the first card of the game, everyone, including the first player, must hit the launcher button. The play continues as usual after that.
- Wild Hit Fire Card: This card makes the next player hit the launcher button over and over until the cards come out. Those cards must be taken by that player, who then loses their turn. Since it’s a Wild card, the player who plays it can choose the color they want. If this card is turned up first, only the player to the dealer’s left must hit the launcher button until it shoots out cards. Play then continues as normal.
Get details on the UNO Card Types for comparisons with regular UNO cards.
Scoring in UNO Attack
After a round ends, players score points based on the cards left in their opponents’ hands. Here’s how the points break down:
- Number Cards: The face value of the card.
- Reverse: 20 points each.
- Skip: 20 points each.
- Hit 2 Cards: 20 points each.
- Discard All Cards: 30 points each.
- Trade Hands: 30 points each.
- Wild: 50 points each.
- Wild Attack-Attack: 50 points each.
- Wild All Hit: 50 points each.
- Wild Hit Fire: 50 points each.
The first player to reach 500 points wins the game.
Uno Attack brings a refreshing twist to the beloved Uno game. The card launcher and special action cards make every round unpredictable and full of surprises. Whether you’re playing with family or friends, this game guarantees endless fun and laughter.
Check out the Uno Game Variations & Special Editions guide to explore all the exciting game variations of UNO
Can you end the game with a Hit 2 card?
No, you can’t end the game with a Hit 2 card. In UNO Attack, a game ends when one player gets rid of all their cards. The Hit 2 card only makes the next player press the launcher button twice and take the cards that come out. It doesn’t let you finish the round or win the game.
What happens if the launcher runs out of cards?
If the launcher runs out of cards, the game stops. The dealer then reshuffles the discard pile to make a new draw pile. After that, the game continues as normal, and play resumes with the launcher refilled with cards.
Can you challenge a Wild Attack-Attack card?
No, you cannot challenge a Wild Attack-Attack card in UNO Attack. Unlike other versions of UNO, there’s no way to dispute or challenge this card’s play. When someone plays this card, you simply have to follow the instructions and collect the cards that come out and continue the game.